Nov 22, 2010

Apple rolling out Apple TV 4.1 alongside iOS 4.2 today for perfect AirPlay harmony (update: it's live)

Macworld is reporting that Apple's promising to roll out (at long last!) Apple TV 4.1 at the same time iOS 4.2 hits, at around 1PM Eastern today (roughly nowish). Sure, we could hit some last minute snags, but we want to believe. Especially after we reviewed the new versions of the softwares on our new-lease-on-life iPad, blasting AirPlay video all over the house like it was going out of style. In addition to being able to play video to your Apple TV from your iTunes-equipped PC or iOS-based device, the new Apple TV software adds VoiceOver support for spoken menus and meta data.

Update: It's live, we're downloading it now and basically just having the time of our lives!


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